• What Is Singularity?

    Super simple explanation: Imagine you’re teaching a robot how to be smarter. At first, you’re much smarter than the robot, so you can easily control it. But every day, the robot learns from you and becomes a little smarter. One day, the robot becomes so smart that it starts teaching itself and becomes even smarter,…

  • Summarize YouTube Videos (Fast & Free) With Summarize.tech: Good & Bad Use Cases

    Summarize.tech made big waves this year as a free YouTube video summarize tool driven by AI (ChatGPT). I wanted to know how good it is, and what to best use it. My takeaways:

  • Curated Documentaries

    There are A LOT of documentaries out there, but not many are great. Here’s a site that has curated some topnotch documentaries: https://rocumentaries.com/

  • Dall-E 3 vs Midjourney 5.2 Comparison: Same Prompts, Different Images

    OpenAI just announced they’ll soon roll out a new version of Dall-E. Apart from overall image output improvements, we’ll also be able to generate text, and have ChatGPT-style prompting features which will make it easier to generate to right outputs. I put the same prompts that they used for Dall-E 3 images and ran them…

  • Midjourney Aspect Ratios

    By default Midjourney images are square (aspect ratio: 1:1). But you can modify the aspect ratio with the –ar parameter. Let’s say you want a 16:9 image (like a YouTube video), then you’d just append this to your Midjourney prompt: Common aspect ratios:

  • Adobe Firefly AI Image Gen? Not Impressed

    Tested Adobe Firefly image generation… and I’m not impressed at all. Pictures come out weird (and not good weird. Just awkward AI weird.)

  • Create Diagrams With ChatGPT + Kroki

    Kroki has a ChatGPT plugin which makes it super easy to create diagrams from any text within ChatGPT. Here are some of the types of visuals that are possible: Been playing around with this recently—it’s very cool.

  • Change These Chrome Settings If You Don’t Want To Be

    Chrome rolled out some new very aggressive ad tracking features in their latest in stall. Here’s how Paul Graham, founder of Y Combinator, phrased it: And that’s basically all you need to know. Go to chrome://settings/adPrivacy and turn off the toggles on each of the three subpages. A bit more background: While Google is promoting…

  • The Korean Restaurant Boom Explained

    A lot of Korean restaurants suddenly opened up in the US recently. They took a page from the Thai tourism playbook. Thailand launched an initiative in 2002 that’s been termed gastrodiplomacy. TLDR: They supported Thai people who wanted to open Thai restaurants abroad with money and training. The thought was: If more people abroad like…

  • OpenAI Tokens

    TIL that OpenAI charges for API usage of their language models in a unit called “tokens”. Depending on which of their models you use (GPT4, GPT3.5, etc) the price per token changes. Now there’s no direct translation of token into characters, but their tokenizer is a simple tool that can give you an idea how…

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