review for AI-assisted long-form content writing (November 2022)

I’ve been trying out various AI-writing tools. I’m generally not a fan of AI-generated content, because quite frankly: the last thing we need is machines that churn out more content. So while I don’t like AI-generated content, I think AI-assisted content can be a great thing if used mindfully.

​Artificial Intelligence has been making major inroads into the world, especially over the past few years. In fact, it seems like there’s a new breakthrough in the field every day. So it’s not surprising that the technology has begun to infiltrate a wide range of industries, including the world of content creation. The end result is that AI writing tools are becoming increasingly popular. These tools work to automate the writing process and deliver an end product that’s almost indistinguishable from one that was written by a human. They can be used for almost any type of writing project, from academic essays to blog posts.

I was curious about, because it got tons of positive reviews on AppSumo:

Most reviews and 5 tacos! Worth checking out, I figured…

That said, I don’t love the quality of the content generates.

Blog introduction tool

Here’s just an example of the kind of content created for me. I asked to create a blog introduction for me based on the following prompt: language learning tips for beginners – what’s the fastest way to learn a new language?

These are some of the results:

They’re decent, but also exactly the kind of mass-produced content that’s not really adding value to the reader. What’s more, I’ve had other content that produced results which was completely off. Just an example, I was asking to create a blog introduction on a certain kind of bench, and this is what I got:

Obviously the insertion of is completely off-topic, as is any mention of SEO.

Paragraph writing tool

There are different kinds of content that you can generate with, but I’m mostly interested in long-form content creation.

So I asked to create a paragraph based on the following prompt: language learning tips for beginners – what’s the fastest way to learn a new language?

This is what it generated:

Again, not absolutely terrible content, but also just the kind of content that you get when you pay $20 for an article. When in truth, if you’re only willing to pay $20 for an article, you probably shouldn’t be paying anything for it, because that article is probably not going to be worth reading.

But let’s keep going with this. I prompted to then create another paragraph off this prompt: different ways to immerse yourself in a foreign language

Here are 3 results it generated:

  • One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a foreign language is to live in a country where it is spoken. This will allow you to hear the language spoken all around you and to pick up on the nuances of the language. Another great way to immerse yourself is to take a language course which is taught entirely in the target language. This can be a daunting experience but it will force you to speak the language and to think in it, which will help you to learn it more quickly. Finally, another way to immerse yourself is to make friends with native speakers of the language. This way you can practice your conversational skills and learn about the culture at the same time.
  • There are many different ways to immerse yourself in a foreign language. One way is to live in a country where the language is spoken. This allows you to be exposed to the language on a daily basis and to pick up on the nuances of the language. Another way is to take a language course in a country where the language is spoken. This can be an intensive course that allows you to immerse yourself in the language for a period of time. Alternatively, there are online courses and apps that can help you to learn a foreign language. These can be used in conjunction with other methods, such as reading books or watching films in the foreign language, to help you to learn the language.
  • There are many ways to immerse yourself in a foreign language. One way is to live in a country where the language is spoken. This way, you will be exposed to the language on a daily basis and will have plenty of opportunities to practice. Another way to immerse yourself is to take a language course. This can be an intensive course where you live in a country where the language is spoken, or a more traditional class where you live at home and attend class weekly. There are also many online resources that can help you immerse yourself in a foreign language, such as websites, apps, and online forums.

As you might notice, the second and third variation are almost identical.

I kept pushing this theme though, asking to generate another paragraph based on the prompt: how to choose a language learning course that’s right for your needs

Here the 3 results:

  • There are a few factors to consider when choosing a language learning course that’s right for your needs. The first is your level of proficiency in the language you wish to learn. If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to find a course that starts at the basics and gradually builds up to more complex material. If you’re more advanced, you’ll want a course that offers more challenging content.
    Another factor to consider is your learning style. Some people learn best by listening to audio lessons, others by reading texts, and others through interactive activities. There are language learning courses available for all different learning styles, so it’s important to find one that matches your preferences.
    Finally, you’ll want to consider your budget when choosing a language learning course. Some courses are free, while others can be quite expensive. There are a variety of options available at different price points, so you should be able to find something that fits your needs.
  • There are a few things to consider when choosing a language learning course that’s right for your needs. First, think about your goals for learning the language. Are you looking to learn conversational skills, or do you need to be able to read and write the language for business or academic purposes? Second, consider your budget and whether you’re looking for a free or paid course. Third, think about the time commitment you can make to the course. Some courses require daily study, while others can be completed at your own pace. Finally, consider the methods of instruction and whether you prefer a classroom setting, online learning, or a combination of both. With these factors in mind, you should be able to find a language learning course that’s right for your needs.
  • There are a few things to consider when choosing a language learning course that’s right for your needs. First, think about your goals for learning the language. Are you looking to learn conversational skills, or do you need to be able to read and write the language for business or academic purposes? Second, consider your budget and whether you’re looking for a free or paid course. Third, think about the time commitment you can make to the course. Some courses require daily study, while others can be completed at your own pace. Finally, consider the methods of instruction and whether you prefer a classroom setting, online learning, or a combination of both. With these factors in mind, you should be able to find a language learning course that’s right for your needs.

Again, you’ll notice that once more, the second and third variation are almost identical.

I then tried marketing the prior two versions with a thumbs down, and asked for a fourth version of the paragraph to be created, and this was the result:

  • There are many different language learning courses available these days, so how do you choose the one that’s right for your needs? First, consider what your goals are for learning the language. Do you want to be able to converse fluently, or are you more interested in reading and writing? Once you know what your goals are, you can start looking at different courses and see which ones will help you achieve them.
    There are many different factors to consider when choosing a language learning course. Some courses are more expensive than others, so you’ll need to decide if you’re willing to pay more for a better course. There are also online courses available, which can be more convenient for some people. Consider how much time you’re willing to commit to learning the language as well. Some courses require more time than others.
    Ultimately, the best way to choose a language learning course is to try out a few different ones and see which one you like the best. There is no one perfect course for everyone, so it’s important to find the one that works best for you. With so many different courses available, you’re sure to find one that’s right for your needs.

Terrible content? No, but essentially just filler content. It is very easy to use, and I can see good to be a good tool for programmatic SEO pages, or ecommerce sites that need to spin up large amounts of content. But for long-form content, wouldn’t be my go-to tool.

Engaging Questions generator

There’s a tool that comes up with engaging questions. You enter a topic into a little textbox:

And then it will generate a list of what it considers to be engaging questions. Here’s the results I got for my prompt on language learning:

Output 1:

  1. What’s the best way to learn a foreign language perfectly? Is it possible?
  2. Do you think most of the language learning tips and resources online are a scam?
  3. What’s your favorite language that you’ve learned?
  4. What’s your least-favorite language that you’ve learned?

Output 2:

  1. What are some things that you wish you knew before you started learning another language?
  2. What’s a story of how you learned a new language practically in an isolated environment?
  3. What’s a story of how you failed miserably to speak a new language?
  4. What are some of your favourite ways to learn a new language?

Output 3:

  1. I’m planning to take a trip to China and Japan, and would like to only learn their language. Do you have any tips on what to do to become fluent in a different language?
  2. What’s the most useful thing you’ve learned while studying a different language?
  3. What are some of the best resources, books or apps to learn different languages?

Output 4:

  1. When did you start learning how to speak English?
  2. Which languages were you taught by your parents as you were growing up?
  3. What are some of the most interesting languages that you have learned so far?
  4. Do you think it’s normal to learn English when you’re a teenager or young adult in your country?
  5. Do you think it’s possible to become fluent in English by learning it solely as a hobby?

I wouldn’t consider these to be engaging questions, and I think it’s worth spending 5 minutes doing research on a topic to come up with truly engaging questions, rather than shortcutting the process to come up with questions like these.

Quora answers tool

I was curious about this, a tool that’s specifically designed to answer Quora questions:

Very simple, and these are the results I got:

Output 1:

The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it, soak in the culture, and make it a habit. If you can get a daily dose of learning while living your daily life, you’re on the right track. This can include: – Listening to the language you’re learning – Reading the language you’re learning – Watching movies & TV shows in your target language – Listening to music in your target language – Practicing your target language with native speakers – Taking lessons from native speakers or tutors – Taking a class – Asking questions & speaking with friends you meet who speak your target language – Eating food from the culture you are learning about – Interacting with locals & asking them questions in your target language

Output 2:

Language learning is all about making it a habit. The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in the language in a very physical way. If you are learning Spanish, for example, the best way to do so is to live in a Spanish-speaking country. It’s important to engage in an activity that you love because it’s not going to feel like work.

Output 3:

It’s definitely possible to learn a language on your own, if you have the persistence and determination to do it. The #1 thing you need to do is to get a large vocabulary. This can be done by reading newspapers, writing in journals, reading books etc. You can also listen to a large number of audio files and podcasts, as well as record your own voice and compare it to native speakers. The more exposure to the language, the better.

Again, this is the kind of content that might be good enough to not get flagged as spam, but not good enough to really be of value to an audience.

Content rewriter tool

Another popular tool of is the content rewriter tool. I simply took the first paragraph of this blog post and asked to rewrite it.

Here are the results.

Output 1:

I’ve been trying out AI-writing tools, and I have to say that I’m not generally a fan of the content that they generate. I think that the last thing we need is more content that has been churned out by machines. However, I do think that AI-assisted content can be a great thing if it is used mindfully and with care.

Output 2:

I’ve been testing out a few AI-writing tools as of late. I’ll admit that I’m not the biggest fan of content that’s generated by machines; I mean, do we really need any more content than what’s already being produced? That said, I think AI-assisted content can be beneficial when used correctly.

Output 3:

I’ve been testing a few AI-based writing tools as of late. I find that I generally don’t enjoy reading content that has been completely written by a machine, because it often feels robotic and cheap. That being said, I think AI-assisted content can be really helpful if used correctly. For example, if you are a non-native speaker of a language, an AI tool can help you to grammar check and edit your work so that it sounds more natural.

Kind of okay, but not enough value if you want quality content. And honestly, if you don’t want quality content in 2022, you’re not going to go far with your content.

I think could be a good tool for very early stage content writers, or content writers that offer cheap services on places like Fiverr to help them come up with more content. But that’s about it.






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